
顶梁式压滤机 are one style of recessed/membrane plate 压滤机es used to dewater and separate liquids and solids in a wide range of applications.


脱水 occurs when slurry material is pumped into the cavities created between the filter plates when they are hydraulically clamped together. 脱水后的滤饼堆积在滤板之间, 而滤水则通过安装在板表面的滤布. 

滤板安装在压滤机上方的工字梁上, 使滤板和滤布很容易接触到. This orientation creates no interference when the dewatered filter cakes discharged and limits any slurry contamination with the plate opening carousel mounted in the I-beam. 

顶梁式压滤机 typically are used in applications when larger volumes of materials are being processed. The plate sizes and plate counts can be very large to accommodate the customer’s high processing rates.


The Overhead Beam 压滤机 uses the same basic technology as any other plate filter press to dewater slurry material and recover reusable filtrate water. 滤板悬挂在压滤机上方的工字梁上. 一个液压缸和四根拉杆被用来把钢板夹在一起, while a slurry feed pump forces the slurry between the plates where the slurry solids accumulate and the filtrate water passes through filter cloths mounted on the plate surfaces. The plates are opened using a chain carousel system mounted on the I-beam designed to separate the filter plates one at a time after the plate stack has been hydraulically unclamped. 滤板的底部和两侧是完全打开的,没有遮挡, 防止任何干扰饼卸料. The overhead beam design also allows the easiest access to the filter plates and filter cloths for cleaning and maintenance.

顶梁式压滤机 are used in a wide range of dewatering applications in many industries. The overhead beam style press is well suited for dewatering material that are difficult to dewater slurries with high clay content, 非常细的颗粒大小或有机材料. 板式开口系统安装在压滤机上方的横梁上, most of the moving components are well protected from contamination and wear associated with abrasive and corrosive materials. The overhead beam filter presses can be fully automated for continuous operations without full time operator monitoring.


麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机es are designed to generate easily managed dry product or waste material. 压滤机还提供了优化回收清洁可重复使用的水的能力. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机es can address many typical issues associated with fine material processing, 包括全浆池/坝, 物料搬运设备维修费用高, 扩展能力有限, 环境许可证限制, 高废物处理成本和有限的水供应.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机es are used by many 24/7 operations that rely on 压滤机 performance and excellent support to keep their plants running and profitable.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机采用单个液压缸设计. 这将以较低的马力实现强大而可靠的自动化功能, 比多缸设计更少的控制阀和更少的复杂性. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s Overhead Beam style results in faster opening and closing for greater production and better cake release in tailings applications, 同时还提供较大的板孔,便于更好的清洁和维护.

不像传统的板框印刷机, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的压滤机生产线具有现代嵌入式板或膜板, both of which create a chamber for dewatering the slurry without trapping the cakes within the frames. This allows the dewatered cakes to discharge more easily than with traditional plate and frame presses.

由于浆料中固体含量的变化, 粒度分布, 颗粒形状和材料组成, each site’s material should be tested prior to sizing a 压滤机 for a specific customer application. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 offers experienced lab and on-site pilot testing with a wide range of testing capabilities. 当不可能进行材料测试时,其他参数用于未开发场地.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s Customer 服务 Team offers a wide range of fast spare part sourcing as well as routine and emergency maintenance service support. All 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机es can have customer remote control access capability for efficient monitoring and troubleshooting.



压滤机需要考虑的其他设备包括:浆液调压箱, 混合机, bridge and level sensor Slurry feed pump with VFD Membrane plate water supply tank and water pump Wide range of nylon, polypropylene or polyester filter cloth materials to matched application requirements Cloth washing system Drip trays doors below the filter plates Stainless steel or other materials of construction for corrosion resistance Compressed air system for core blow/cake dry Synthetic and metal filter plate material options Cake dry capable plates can provide additional water recovery efficiency Cake wash capable plates allow for removal of soluble materials from the cakes

由于板式压滤机的尺寸变化很大,其成本也有很大的差异. Equipment cost can range from tens of thousands of dollars to more than one million dollars for a single 压滤机.

压滤机es are often used in place of: Belt Presses Centrifuges Screw Presses Vacuum Drum Filters The primary reasons people would consider a 压滤机 over these alternative technologies are for the reduction in operating costs, 干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 减少化学品消耗, 更好的固相回收 而且自动化程度高.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 顶梁式压滤机 can hold larger plate sizes and a larger number of plates, 使它们更适合高处理量.

特性 & 好处
  • 更大的吞吐量
  • 更便于维护
  • 大开口,更好地释放饼,更容易清洗, 洗布、换布
  • Allen Bradley or Siemens Control System is available with remote assistance via an ethernet connection
  • 四轴张紧轴设计消除了横梁上的动载荷
  • Hydraulic cylinder and tension shafts are attached to FEA designed plates and provide evenly balanced loads
  • Smart hydraulics system controls opening and closing pressures and mobile plate opening positions
  • Velocity-reducing, 双进料入口和填充流量控制减少布磨损,提高饼的稠度
  • 高速旋转系统快速打开一个又一个的盘子, 允许更多的空间和运动,更快,更可靠的饼释放
  • 防溅装置隔离和保护运动部件,并提供长,可靠的板开口
  • 一个接一个的高压洗涤系统可提供最好的布料洗涤
  • 先进的安全系统
  • 典型的板尺寸是1500毫米和2000毫米板


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